We would suggest that if you are going to rent a car at the airport, ask for a map and directions to the attendant to come to Trancoso.
Data from GPS or google maps is not always accurate in this area and we already had guests who took the wrong shortcut and delay to arrive.
There are two ways to get to Trancoso:
1 - From Porto Seguro Airport go to BR 367 in the direction to Eunápolis, more or less 20Km them you will see a road that goes to Trancoso approximately anothetr 50 km. Total 70km
2 - The other way is take the ferry from Porto Seguro to Arraial d'Ajuda. You need to follow the signs to the BALSA (ferry/raft) and then follow the signs to Trancoso. Do not turn into the dust road on the left to Trancoso, is better to continue by the road. Total 45km.
Once you arrive in Trancoso you need to follow the signs to Praia dos Nativos, go down a hill to a dust road until you find a Villas de Trancoso sign on the right.